Happy Little Dinosaurs Happy Little Dinosaurs


Happy Little Dinosaurs (engelska)

319 kr
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In this game, you are a Dinosaur, and life repeatedly tries to punch you in the face...you know, just like your real life.

Lately, it feels like we´re all just dinosaurs trying to avoid the falling meteors. In this 2-4 playe game, you´ll try to dodge all of life´s natural, predatory, and emotional disasters. You might fall into a pit of hot lava, get attacked by saber-tothed squirrels, or be ghosted by your dina date, but the dino who survives it all wins the game!

What's in the box

  • 97 standard-sized cards total (28 Disaster cards)
  • 4 Dinosaur Player Boards
  • 4 Dinosaur Meeples
  • 1 Rulebook.
Artikelnummer: TEE5363

Rek. ålder: 8+ år
Antal spelare: 2-4 st
Speltid: 30 - 60 min
Språk: engelska

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